Here are the dresses we wore. I made mine, and my Mom made most of my sisters. Since we didn't start them till the week before the dance, we were a little pressed for time. We were able to get them done though!
All of us minus my brother Kevin! He doesn't like to dance!
Stephanie and I.
All of us along with Stephanie and David our adopted family!
Wow...Cassie...your dresses were gorgeous! Great job sewing them! :) Thanks for sharing the pictures. It looks like a lot of fun!
Great pictures Cassie! It was such a fun evening! Your dress was lovely! :) Happy Valentine's Day ( a little early)
~Mandie :)
Very exhausting?! Haha, that's funny! Great pics!
Looks like it was loads of fun!! I wish was dedicated enough to make a dress and go, know me... ;-)
wha! I LOVE this post! I adore dancing, the dresses are STUNNING (very impressed) and the way you did your hair is loooovely!! Like I said, love this post. :)
Hey! I love comments too!!! I do not have a horse! But I did ride at a farm called summit farms, I took lessons there! And I really never liked horses I was afraid of big dogs at the time lol! so everyone that know's me thought it was so funny that I was so good at it ! I ride english! ( it makes me feel so pretty!) hehe
Hello Cassie, luv your blog!
Oh, regency! How lovely, I'd love to go to one some day!
Hey, is that a girl named Kate on the far right of the last pic, I know her?!
Nicki, from Hoofbeats of Life!
Hi Cassie, thanks for the comment!
I actually don't have a horse of my own...I just ride them and am obsessed with them! I share your problem with not having the space or the funds also!!:o(
Oh, I met Kate and Elizabeth at an ICHE conference(Illinios Christian Home Educators), they are very sweet!
oops, published twice!
hey Cassie, I gave you an award! :) check it out at my blog!
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