Sunday, May 17, 2009

Missouri part 1: St. Louis

A couple weeks ago my family went on a camping trip to Missouri! It was tons of fun even though it rained almost the whole time! The first night of our trip we didn't actually stay in MO. We were at this awesome campground in Carlyle Lake IL! We even got a campsite right on the lake! We ended up staying there on the way back so I'll post picture of that later! We drove into St Louis the first night we were there so here are some pictures from that!

St Louis here we come!!

Our first view of the Gateway Arch!

So as we wandered around downtown St Louis in search of an ATM machine, after missing the Arch by 15min! We realized that we were really close to Busch Stadium. We decide to go check it out! We walked through what looked like an empty parking lot:) As we got to the gates and started taking pictures, up drives a security guard who asks us if we just cut through that construction zone behind us(oops)! We thought we were busted :) But it turns out that he just warned us not to go back that way. After talking to him for a while he ended up letting us into the field to get some better pictures! It was so cool being in a stadium with no people but us. It was so quiet!!

Here's the nice security guard!

The Bullpen!

More of Busch Stadum later!

I'll save the Gateway Arch for the next post since I have so many pictures all ready!



Karin said... pictures!! I really enjoyed them and you have some very interesting shots. :)

The Capp Crew said...

Looks like alot of fun Cassie! :)


Anonymous said...

Wow, funnnnn stuff! Traveling is awesome. LOVE the photos!! Especially the night shots of the streets. :)

Elizabeth J. said...

I love camping because it is much more fun than staying in a hotel room.

P.S. I am a new-comer to your blog but if you are interested, feel free to visit my blog.