Saturday, November 8, 2008

Crowder Concert!

Here are some pictures of the David Crowder concert!

Before the concert while waiting in line

I loved when they brought out the bango!
The guitar hero guitar!

Getting my shirt signed!
WOW someone who is taller then me!! Being 6ft tall that doesn't happen all the time!

It was a great concert! Stephanie and I even won tickets to a Steller Kart concert on Sunday!!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! O my gosh!! I can't believe you got a picture with David Crowder - that is soooo cool!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't that sooooo much fun!!!!! You got some awesome pictures!!! Can you send some to me?? Ill have to post some on my blog. Awesome weekend! I loved it all! (my head even stoped throbing!)


Luv ya! See ya on wednesday!
